Cherry Basket Quilt
Basket is among the most charming of old-time favorites, and this version of pieced basket with applique handle is particularly quaint. It may be developed from the pattern in any color plan, but old-time calico prints, red and yellow sprigged with a fine unbleached, are exactly suitable. Blocks finish 12 inches square.

Oriental Poppy Quilt
One woman said, “Before I catch the quilt fever, I’ll have to see a pattern that’s entirely different and stunningly beautiful!” The Oriental Poppy is in answer, and beside filling those requirements it is really quite simple to make. The pieced poppy is all straight sewing, the sort that may be run up on the sewing machine, while the bottom half of the block has two leaves and a stem that whips down by hand.

The original was gorgeous in two values of red, a flame and a scarlet, with the flower center of black, boilproof of course, and green applique.